
What do we do with returning foreign fighters?

There is little doubt that Islamic State is under tremendous pressure in Iraq and Syria. Kinetic action carried out by airstrikes and ground forces have whittled away at the group and and the same time the group’s sources of financing are being targeted.  The size of its so-called “Caliphate” is smaller than it was and […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

David Malet: What to do with Western foreign terrorist fighters – leave them abroad or bring them back?

Tens of thousands of Western citizens left their homes to join terrorist groups abroad such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Borealis talks to David Malet, who has looked at this issue at great length.


The next waves of ‘foreign terrorist fighters’

Recent weeks have borne witness to many stories and analyses about the problem of ‘foreign terrorist fighters’ and what to do about them. Those who are holding these terrorists are asking host nations to repatriate them and prosecute them at home.  The responses to these requests vary from ‘hell no, we don’t want them back’ to […]


What to do with Canadian Foreign Terrorist Fighters?

What should Canada do about foreign fighters? What obligations do we have to those incarcerated abroad? What threat do these terrorists pose to our society?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is diaspora media in Canada at risk of furthering foreign interference?

While diasporas benefit from access to media in their native language these vehicles can be exploited by foreign states to manipulate opinion.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

More foreign interference in Canada: the Iranian diaspora experience

Iran has engaged in nastiness for decades, including support for terrorist groups. What kind of influence does it exert on expats in Canada?


National Security Priorities for the Canadian Government, from ISIS Fighters to Guns

Many pundits remarked that we saw neither hide nor hair of anything related to national security or foreign policy in the platforms of any of the main parties during the election campaign.


Expect the unexpected: Trinidad one of the largest sources per capita of ISIS fighters

Trinidad may not be at the top of anyone’s list when it comes to terrorism: you might want to think again.


The Foreign Terrorist Fighter Repatriation Challenge: The View from Canada

This piece appeared on ICCT International Center for Counter-Terrorism on 21 Feb 2019 Over the past few weeks, there have been multiple news items centring on the problem of what to do with terrorist fighters that have been captured by a variety of actors in Syria and Iraq in the battle to destroy Islamic State […]


The upside of foreign fighter policy Down Under

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on November 12, 2018. Australia and Canada are very similar countries in many ways.  Both former British colonies, both (relatively) open to immigration, both members of the 5 eyes intelligence community.  I have visited Australia on many occasions and I must admit that I always feel at home […]