Podcast Quick Hits

Quick Hits: Russia paying Talibans bounties for dead US soldiers?

News that Russia is paying the Taliban to kill US military in Afghanistan came out this week. How big is this and what will the Trump Administration do in response?


11 Chinese construction workers killed in their sleeping quarters by suspected Taliban terrorists (June 10, 2004)

On this day on 2004, Talibans were believed to be behind a terrorist attack on sleeping Chinese construction workers in Kundiz province, killing 11.


January 10, 2017 | Taliban attack near Afghan parliament kills more than 30

On January 10, 2017 terrorists launched a suicide attack near Kabul Parliament in which more than 30 people were killed and a further 70 wounded.


We might want to take the Taliban ‘peace offer’ with a bucket of sand

Breaking news out of Afghanistan is that the Taliban and US have reached a tentative deal in which the former agrees not to allow Afghanistan to be used by terrorist groups (wait! Aren’t the Taliban themselves terrorists? Read on….) and the latter would agree to pull its forces out, in the country since 2002, in […]


Of sticks and stones and beheadings: which poses a greater threat?

With all this talk of ‘Islamophobia’ about, some have real fears of Islam – like teachers beheaded by jihadi students!


Islamist Terrorists are misogynists and rapists: it is time to accept that

Why does everyone shy away from condemning jihadis when it comes to sexual violence? After all, they have a long track record of these crimes.

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The Week in Terrorism: March 18-24, 2024

A very lethal week in terrorism, with the ISK attack in Moscow dominating the news. All deaths this week were at the hands of jihadis (RWE: 0)


Canadian Government Whistling Past the Jihadi Graveyard

Why can’t Canada label jihadi terrorism accurately as its allies do? What is it afraid of? No matter what you call it, it is the #1 terrorist threat globally


The Week in Terrorism: January 29-February 4, 2024

Islamist terrorists once again dominate globally in Africa, Asia and even Europe: nary a single far right attack or any other motivation

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 8-14, 2024

Global terrorism trends showed no change in the second week of January with jihadi violence again dominant and no sign of far right attacks