Afghanistan has often been called the ‘graveyard of empires’. Over the past 20 years it has also been at the forefront of the ill-named ‘war on terrorism’. What can we do – if anything – to get out of that nation and consider ourselves ‘safer’?
If the ins and outs of terrorism, extremism, national security and public safety are of interest to you, subscribe to receive free content from former Canadian intelligence analyst and author Phil Gurski on these issues.

Working as a journalist in terrorist zones: a conversation with Lynne O’Donnell
Journalists often have to put themselves in danger from violent actors, including terrorists; one reporter’s story from Afghanistan.

Taliban true to form in their approach to women’s rights and terrorism in Afghanistan
The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan – again! – bodes ill both for regional and international terrorism and for women’s and girls’…

When it is ok to talk to terrorist groups?
The belief that we should never talk to terrorists under any circumstances gets dicey when we are talking about saving…