Canadian Intelligence Eh!

David Malet: What to do with Western foreign terrorist fighters – leave them abroad or bring them back?

Tens of thousands of Western citizens left their homes to join terrorist groups abroad such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Borealis talks to David Malet, who has looked at this issue at great length.


November 14, 2005: Taliban suicide bombings in Kabul

The Taliban were responsible for two November 2005 suicide attacks in Kabul that targeted NATO soldiers: nine people died in the incidents.


October 1, 2005: Bali bombing plot

In a repeat of an attack less than three years earlierteh AQ-linked Jemaah Islamiyah planted another series of bombs in Bali, Indonesia in 2005


September 23, 2014: Teenage terrorist shot dead in Australia after stabbing state police officer

On this day in 2014, an 18-year old Australian ISIS wannabe stabbed two Melbourne police officers days after the terrorist group called on followers to do so.


September 12, 1986: Bombing at Paris shopping mall

A little know Arab terrorist group engaged in a series of bombings against commercial establishments in Paris in 1985-86 to push for freeing prisoners.

Quick Hits Video

Putting a nail in the ‘self radicalisation’ coffin

A lot of experts are not experts. Take the term ‘self-radicalisation’: it is a myth. Two recent cases illustrate why radicalisers are so important.


Bombers kill 88 at Egyptian Ghazala Gardens hotel resort (July 23, 2005)

On this day in 2005, an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group known as the Abdallah Azzam Brigades set off bombs in the Egyptian Red Sea resort killing 88.


Taliban killing of church workers (July 19, 2007)

On this day in 2007, the Taliban kidnapped 23 South Korean evangelical Christians in 2007, killing two before releasing the rest in a $20 ransom deal with Seoul.


Al Shabaab bombings in Uganda (July 12, 2010)

Al Shabaab killed 74 Ugandans gathered to watch the 2010 World Cup to put pressure on that nation to withdraw its forces serving with AMISOM in Somalia.


Al Khobar Towers bombings in Saudi Arabia (June 25, 1996)

The US has always blamed a terrorist group called Saudi Hizballah for the 1995 Al Khobar Towers attack but it could very well have been Al Qaeda.