
Who decides when someone becomes an ‘ex’ terrorist and why?

who should ultimately decide how much risk a given incarcerated terrorist poses to our society? I know where I’d put my money.


The world may need more Canada, but not more Canadian terrorists

Even if terrorist attacks are rare in Canada, some Canadian extremists do elect to strike abroad. What should we do with them?


Today in Terrorism: November 23, 1986 – Turkish consulate bombing in Melbourne

Armenian terrorism may strike some as yesteryear’s scourge but the Turkish government’s refusal to acknowledge the 1915 genocide could spur more action.


Today in Terrorism: November 22, 2009 – ‘Bicycle bombs’ in Northeastern India

On this day in 2009, seven people were killed and over 20 wounded when two bicycles kitted with explosives detonated in the Indian state of Assam.


Today in Terrorism: November 18, 2005 – Al Hamra Hotel bombing

On this day in 2005, a series of suicide bombing in Khanaqin, located northeast of the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad, killed at least 60 people.


When is an act of terrorism not an act of terrorism?

Many will jump to conclusions, sometimes based on preconceived notions or biases. Sometimes they will be right; sometimes they will be wrong. The consequences of getting it wrong are zero for the average person; they are higher for authorities.


September 24, 1981: Ottawa slaying of Turkish diplomat

In the late summer of 1982 I was driving back to London (Ontario) after having finished an intern job as a Spanish translator with the Multilingual Bureau at the Canadian Secretary of State department in what was then called Hull, Quebec (now known as Gatineau).  I had had my first real exposure to a government […]


Once more into the breach

I remember my very first day as an ‘insider’ in the Canadian intelligence community as if it were yesterday.  It was July 13,1983.  I had moved to Ottawa from my hometown of London (Ontario) to accept a job at CSE – Communications Security Establishment, Canada’s signals intelligence agency.  I had already been accorded a top […]


September 15, 2017: Parsons Green train bombing

On 15 September 2017, at around 08:20 BST, an explosion occurred on a District line train at Parsons Green Underground station, in London, England.


Does Canada have a problem prosecuting terrorism?

When you work in national security you do the best job you can to stop bad things from happening. If those bad things involve terrorism what you are trying to do is to prevent attacks from taking place. You identify potential terrorists, follow them, determine which ones are serious about actually doing something, run sources […]