Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canada is underperforming badly on the global scene

Why has Canada abandoned its international reputation and commitments and what does it need to do to regain them?

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: March 25-31, 2024

Another week another total domination by Islamist terrorism. This trend line has held up so far in 2024 and is very unlikely to change. It is time to accept facts.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are Western nations treating female jihadis consistently?

Western female jihadis have become a bit of a ‘soupe du jour’ of late in the media. How are we doing at prosecuting them for their crimes?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can governments act effectively on national security issues in an era of social media?

Running a nation is complex enough without having ever-changing information (as well as dis- and misinformation) to deal with. Are governments able to do so effectively?


Canadian feds continue to get a failing grade on intelligence

Intelligence is meant to be shared with those who have a ‘need to know’: why does the Canadian government not get this?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Information not shared is not useful information

We live in an era of information overload but this does not mean we are sharing what we need to, especially when it comes to public safety

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What can we learn from the German experience on repatriating ISIS terrorists?

Episode 171: What to do with Western ISIS ‘foreign fighters’? So many countries are struggling with what to do with their citizens who thought joining ISIS was a good idea.  While many died over in Iraq and Syria many survived and want to come home.  Not surprisingly, what policy is best to follow is not […]


We do not benefit from the whitewashing of terrorism

Looking back at a terrorist plot 15 years later only to force it through the filter of ‘racism’ is just plain wrong and unhelpful.


How to prevent real terrorism threats in Canada

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, so they say. Does this describe the UK’s Prevent counter terrorism programme?


Your friendly local neighbourhood Chinese police station in Canada – NOT!

How is it that the Canadian government is not taking seriously enough the presence of PRC ‘police stations’ on our soil?