Those who advocate or not so subtly justify the use of violence by environmental activists are terrorists, pure and simple.
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Recent initiatives in Western countries like Canada to eschew terms like Islamist terrorism are nothing more than useless and counterproductive bureaucratic exercises.
Episode 112 – Phil is joined by UK activist and Sufi Muslim Ahmed Patel, brother-in-law of the London 7/7 bomber.
On November 5, 1990 Jewish extremist Meir Kahane was killed by an Islamist terrorist in New York City.
On November 1, 2004 a PFLP suicide bomber detonated his device in a crowded Tel Aviv market, killing 3 and wounding 30.
Are mental illness and violent extremism necessarily mutually exclusive? Can an individual suffer from some kind of psychological disorder and still be a terrorist?
What do we do when independence movements which are not seen, at least not yet, as terrorist groups start to venture down that road.
On October 13, 1981 FARC terrorists massacred 12 peasants in the Colombian provinces of Antioquia, Caqueta and Cordoba.
On October 12, 2002 two powerful bombs exploded outside two clubs on the Indonesian island of Bali killing 202 people
Terrorists like to portray themselves as masterminds of violence. Some are pretty dumb.