
When it comes to the Trudeaus and intelligence activities, like father do unlike son

Trudeau the father and Trudeau the son could not have been more different when it comes to dealing with national security threats to Canada


Is it really possible to ‘defeat’ a terrorist group?

We should be very cautious in accepting claims that terrorist groups have been defeated: they have a tendency to last a long time


As We Dither Over a Public Inquiry, Beijing Continues Its Subterfuge in Canada

Canada really needs to up its game when it comes to pushing back against foreign (read: China) interference in our affairs.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What can we learn from the German experience on repatriating ISIS terrorists?

Episode 171: What to do with Western ISIS ‘foreign fighters’? So many countries are struggling with what to do with their citizens who thought joining ISIS was a good idea.  While many died over in Iraq and Syria many survived and want to come home.  Not surprisingly, what policy is best to follow is not […]


We do not benefit from the whitewashing of terrorism

Looking back at a terrorist plot 15 years later only to force it through the filter of ‘racism’ is just plain wrong and unhelpful.


When terrorist victimizers pretend to be the ‘victims’

There is so much wrong about calls to repatriate Canadians who joined ISIS: let’s start with those who see them as ‘victims’

Quick Hits

Why Canada is erring in repatriating ISIS women

After dragging its feet for years, Canada announced it is repatriating women ISIS jihadis: bad move Trudeau government!


The end of ISIS? Not by a longshot, alas

We constantly hear or read that this or that terrorist group has been “defeated”: how much stock should we place in such reports (hint: very little)


No, Canada should NOT rush to repatriate ISIS terrorists

Despite a robust fan club for ‘ISIS brides’ there are very good reasons NOT to repatriate these terrorists to Canada.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW): October 31 – November 6

Once again, jihadis were responsible for every single terrorist attack in the world during the week of October 31-November 6, 2022