
Once again, we see that foreign military deployments cause more, not less terrorism

When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail. It is time to expand the toolbox.


January 10, 2017 | Taliban attack near Afghan parliament kills more than 30

On January 10, 2017 terrorists launched a suicide attack near Kabul Parliament in which more than 30 people were killed and a further 70 wounded.

Podcast Quick Hits

Quick Hits 10 – Gay Jesus in Rio?

Many people take religion seriously but is it ok to take violent action against someone who makes fun of your faith?


Is it time to say ‘no!’ to ‘no-fly lists’?

There are a lot of tools in the anti-terrorism kit but we need to evaluate them all and perhaps get rid of some. This piece appeared in The Hill Times on January 02, 2020. You have to pity Adam Ahmad, the 10-year old boy who finds himself on Canada’s ‘no-fly list’. This counter terrorism tool, more informally […]


January 9-18, 1996 | Kizlyar-Pervomayskoye hostage crisis

Russian actions in the Caucasus have led to many terrorist attacks and hostage taking incidents, but none bigger than the one that took place in early 1996.

Phil in the media

The Morning Rush – Boeing jet crashes in Iran hours after missile strike on U.S. base: “One hell of a coincidence”

Phil Gurski from Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting joins The Morning Rush to break down the latest breaking news from Iran.

Phil in the media

Former Iranian analyst for CSIS weighs in on Iran’s missile attack

Iran attack: US troops targeted with ballistic missiles. ‘This is localized conflict, not WWIII’ says Phil Gurski, former Iranian analyst at CSE and CSIS.


January 8, 2016 | Terrorist attack by ISIS in Egypt

Terrorists attack tourist resorts for obvious reasons: it is a way to target Westerners and undermine a nation’s economy.


Terrorism and Group-Based Violence Conference and Workshop

I am thrilled to be part of the upcoming terrorism and group-based violence workshop at the Canadian Police College along with my friends Paul Gill from UCL and Stephen Hart from SFU!


January 7, 1973 | Shootings in New Orleans linked to Black Panthers

On January 7, 1973, former Black Panther member Mark Essex went on a shooting spree in New Orleans in retaliation for police killings at a Howard Johnsons hotel.