
RCMI Defence and Security Studies Evening – How dangerous is terrorism in Canada?

For those who could not make my recent RCMI lecture on terrorism in Canada on October 1, here it is!


Today in Terrorism: October 2, 2004

Assam is probably not an area of the world at the forefront of many people’s minds. This state in northeast India near the border with Bangladesh (this is important as we shall see) is known for its tea more than anything. It is also, alas, a land that has witnessed a fair bit of violence […]


Why it is very important for security services to monitor the threats out there

Espionage or sabotage, foreign influence… Why do we have security intelligence services like the CSIS? What do they do for us?


Today in terrorism: October 1, 1910

On this day in 1910, a time bomb built of 16 sticks of connected to a cheap windup alarm clock exploded in an alley next to the Los Angeles Times.


Today in terrorism: September 30, 2012/2017

Terrorists acts vary widely – very widely – in scope. At the one end, the end with the highest casualties, we have 9/11 of course: almost 3,000 dead, countless wounded and trillions of dollars in damages. At the other end we have no casualties (dead or wounded): this is not to say that people are […]


The Mounties get their man – and he is one of their own

We must remind ourselves that all of this is alleged and not proven. Cameron Ortis is, of course, innocent until any of this is demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt. It does not look good, but we must wait and see. Even if the details are salacious.


Today in terrorism: September 29, 1977

In all the terrorist movements in all the nations over all the years there is usually a debate over just what is terrorism after all. Depending on which side of the fence you happen to be on, terrorists are either ‘freedom fighters’ and heroes or cold-blooded monsters who only understand violence and hence must be […]


Today in terrorism: September 28, 1977

Japan is not a nation one normally associates with terrorism. In fact, aside from the Aum Shinrikyo attacks in 1995 in the Tokyo subway, I challenge anyone to come up with a long list of attacks or even attempted attacks in the ‘land of the rising sun’. It just doesn’t seem to be the target […]


When (Canadian) fiction imitates (terrorist) life

A lot of people mock Canadian television. When I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s in southwestern Ontario we all watched American networks and shows, not Canadian ones. The former were exciting and funny and popular while the latter were, well, Canadian. This criticism of mine is probably unfair as there is some […]


Today in terrorism – September 27, 2018

Terrorism is not always as ‘in your face’ as we sometimes think. Campaigns of violence, often mislabeled as the work of ‘insurgents’ or ‘militants’ can go on for years and even decades with little reverberation in the news, especially if the killing occurs in a faraway land or part of a country well off the […]