Debate is the backbone of democratic society. Reasoned, civil exchanges of ideas is what we must protect. Phil Gurski weighs in on this ‘cancel culture’ phenomenon.
Category: Media
Brian Jenkins and Phil Gurski discusses why terrorists seem to want a lot of people watching, not a lot of people dead.
News has just come out that Saudi Arabia sent a hit squad to Canada to kill former counter terrorism officer Saad al-Jabri. Saudi has a history of this, having killed Washington Post reporter and dissident Jamal Kashoggi in Istanbul in October 2018. What should Canada do in reponse? Borealis weighs in. The crown prince of Saudi […]
The explosion yesterday in Beirut sure looks like a terrorist attack. All indications point to this being an accident. What does this say about our reaction to events of this nature?
On 5 August 2019, the Government of India revoked the special status granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir.
Anti-academic? Me? I don’t think so…

There is an old phrase ‘town and gown’ that refers to the relationship between non-academics and academics. I myself have been accused of being ‘anti-academic’, a charge I refute strongly here.
Phil Gurski is a guest on The David Pakman Show to discuss the sources of terror, the war on terror, and much more. Watch the interview!
How do foreign policy decisions and terrorism intersect? Are we making good choices? I was a guest on James Tibbs’ show to discuss these issues and much more!
Armin Navabi from Atheist Republic interviews Phil Gurski. Phil is a specialist in terrorism, the author of ‘When Religion Kills’ and many other books. Don’t miss this!
How realist is the depiction of ISIS in this first season of the Caliphate series? In this podcast, intelligence veteran and terrorism specialist Phil Gurski reviews Netflix Caliphate.