On November 22, 2015 a 20-year old female suicide bomber disguised as a refugee detonated her load in NE Nigeria, killing 8 and wounding 7.
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On November 20, 2018 unidentified gunmen kidnaped nine students and a teacher at Lords Bilingual School in Kumba, Cameroon.
On November 16, 2018 ADF jihadis killed at least seven UN peacekeepers and 12 Congolese soldiers near the DRC city of Beni.
On November 13, 2018 Boko Haram jihadists killed at least 16 farmers and left dozens missing in Nigeria’s Borno state.
When terrorists become rulers
Bringing in (former) terrorists to run nations is generally a very bad idea: terrorist groups are not even remotely qualified to do so.
On November 9, 2018 Al Shabaab carried out a series of car bombs in Mogadishu which killed at least 20 people.
Episode 111 – Borealis has a great talk with James Dorsey, senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University
Are mental illness and violent extremism necessarily mutually exclusive? Can an individual suffer from some kind of psychological disorder and still be a terrorist?
On October 24, 1994 a female LTTE suicide bomber killed Sri Lankan politician Gamini Dissanayake and 50 others.
What do we do when independence movements which are not seen, at least not yet, as terrorist groups start to venture down that road.