
One person’s terrorist is another’s bizarre asexual cultist/terrorist

Just because a government decides to ‘de-list’ a terrorist group does not mean it no longer is one.


Does restricting immigration really keep us safe from terrorism?

Every nation has a sovereign right to determine who gets in: immigration is still a net gain for us however.


Does it take a village to stop terrorism?

Many see counter terrorism as a CSIS or RCMP role, but average Canadians also have a part to play.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Video

Podcast 29 – Discussion on terrorism and radicalization with Twitch streamer Destiny

Have a listen to me chatting with Twitch streamer Destiny on a broad range of topics all tied to terrorism (Iran, Israel-Palestine, and many more!)

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Podcast 28 – Can science fiction help us stop terrorism?

In this podcast, I explore how Science Fiction asks important questions about whether we can really stop all forms of terrorism.

Podcast Quick Hits

QUICK HITS 15 – The Base

The arrest of Canadian Patrik Mathews, a member of The Base, in conjunction with a terrorist plot demonstrates that there are almost always signs of violent radicalisation. We should not ignore them.


So why don’t terrorists attack nuclear power plants?

Terrorists want to have the biggest impact possible – so why don’t they attack nuclear plants?


January 15, 2008 | Explosion targeting US personnel in Lebanon

On this day in 2008 a bomb exploded next to a US Embassy vehicle on a coastal road in Beirut, killing at least three motorists.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

PODCAST 27 – Global Terrorism Index: 10 trends to watch in 2020

What will the world of terrorism bring us in 2020? Spoiler alert – more terrorism. In this podcast Borealis looks at terrorist trends this year.

Podcast Quick Hits

QUICK HITS 11 – The boy who cried Wolf

Intelligence is an important part of decision making but what happens when the officials using intelligence can’t be trusted?