
February 3, 2018 | Shooting of immigrants in Italy

The UN High Commission for Refugees estimates there are currently over 70 MILLION people who have been forced to flee their homes: anti-immigrant/refugee backlash is growing as well. WHERE ARE YOU? By that I don’t mean where you live now or where you were born (at least not necessarily). No, what I am getting at […]


January 16, 2013 | In Amenas gas plant terrorist attack, Algeria

Three young men from a non-descript southern Ontario city ended up fighting for AQ in Africa. What are the chances of that happening?


January 14, 2012 | Suicide bomber kills 53, wounds 130 in Basra, Iraq

On this day in 2012, a suicide wearing a police uniform bomber struck a procession of Iraqi Shias, killing at least 53 and wounding 130 people.


Terrorism and Group-Based Violence Conference and Workshop

I am thrilled to be part of the upcoming terrorism and group-based violence workshop at the Canadian Police College along with my friends Paul Gill from UCL and Stephen Hart from SFU!


Assassination of Spanish PM Juan Prim – December 28, 1870

The choice for today’s terrorist attack was a no-brainer: when was the last time you heard of a blunderbuss used to kill someone?


Northwest Airlines underwear bomber – December 25, 2009

On Christmas Day 2009, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab boarded a Northwest Airlines flight with a device hidden in his underware and failed to detonate it.


Pan Am Flight 103 bombing – December 21, 1988

On December 21, 1998 Pan Am flight 103 came down on Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 passengers and 11 residents on the ground.


US ‘national security’ concerns are adversely affecting Canadian-American relations

The powers the US has on Canadian soil to ‘protect’ national security’ should make us think twice about going there. At the risk of being the nostalgic old fart in the room I am going to tell a story. When I was young, growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, my father and I would […]


Hometown terrorists?

The actual place of incubation does not matter. What does is having a bevy of like-minded co-conspirators and access to relevant material, and that can happen anywhere.


‘The Clerkenwell Outrage’ – December 13, 1867

The Clerkenwell explosion, also known as the Clerkenwell Outrage, was a bombing in London on 13 December 1867. The Irish Republican Brotherhood exploded a bomb to try to free one of their members being held at Clerkenwell Prison.