
Terrorist listings in Canada – take two

Even if the terrorist listing process in Canada is still largely political that does not mean that it does not have its good uses


There are valid reasons for states to invoke secrecy: is this one of them?

There are valid reasons for states to invoke secrecy: is Canada’s Trudeau government using this excuse to hide something when it comes to naval purchases?


February 2, 2008: Bus bombing in Sri Lanka

On this day in 2008 a bomb tore through a packed bus carrying mostly elderly Buddhist pilgrims in central Sri Lanka, killing 18 people and wounding 51 others


January 31, 2000: Bombing at Russian Embassy in Denmark

On this day in 2000 a lone actor tossed an incendiary device into the Russian embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark, slightly injuring a diplomat

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Tom Parker: Respect for human rights is the key to defeating terrorism. Can we get there?

Episode 78 – What is the role of respect for human rights in counter-terrorism?


Listing the Proud Boys as a ‘terrorist entity’ is mostly about politics

Those who keep us safe do not need a list to tell them whom and what to investigate.

Quick Hits Video

What to do with an ISIS wannabe?

A Canadian has been charged with terrorism hoax for lying about being part of ISIS. What should happen to him? Borealis talks to Mubin Shaikh, a Canadian who worked with Abu Huzayfah to see what he knew and when about this case. About my guest Mubin Shaikh: Mubin Shaikh is a former security intelligence and […]

Phil in the media Video

RealPolitik podcast – Canadian intelligence community should continue to focus on Islamic extremist terrorism

I was a guest on the RealPolitik podcast to discuss why Canadian intelligence community should focus on Islamic extremist terrorism. Have a listen!


Canada Day bomb plot in Victoria (July 1, 2013)

On this day in 2013, two converts to Islam convicted of a pressure cooker terrorism plot to occur in British Columbia on Canada Day. They were later acquitted.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Podcast 36 – Borealis talks with US terrorism scholar Bruce Hoffman, one of the world’s foremost specialists on violent extremism

Borealis talks with US terrorism scholar Bruce Hoffman, who has been studying violent extremism for more than four decades and is seen as one of the world’s foremost specialists.