This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 15-21, 2024

War in Gaza continues to foment terrorism in the Middle East while Al Shabaab reminds us that it will attack nations which participate in counter terrorism ops abroad

Quick Hits

Why do some countries not suffer from terrorist attacks?

While terrorism, largely of the Islamist variety, is global, some nations do not appear to suffer from it as much – why?


The Hamas attack on Israel: an ‘intelligence failure’ or a failure of intelligence? 

In the alacrity to assign blame for preventing the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, that country’s spies were held responsible, wrongly it turns out.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What can we learn from the German experience on repatriating ISIS terrorists?

Episode 171: What to do with Western ISIS ‘foreign fighters’? So many countries are struggling with what to do with their citizens who thought joining ISIS was a good idea.  While many died over in Iraq and Syria many survived and want to come home.  Not surprisingly, what policy is best to follow is not […]


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – September 5 – 11, 2022

Global Terrorism This Week for September 5 to 11 shows, once again, a heavily dominant jihadi threat.


Old jihadi causes never die…nor do they fade away

The recent attack on UK author Salman Rushdie is a potent reminder that calls for religious violence can last decades.


May 10, 2016: Terrorists stab seniors in Israel

On May 10, 2016 two elderly women were moderately injured in a Jerusalem stabbing attack by two assailants who had covered their faces.


December 29, 2008: Sunni terrorists carry out suicide bombing in Iran

On December 29, 2008 a Jundallah suicide bomber killed four people and wounded 12 in an attack in southeastern Iran.


November 17, 1976: Islamist attack on Jordanian hotel

On November 17, 1976 Abu Nidal terrorists burst into the Intercontinental Hotel in Amman, Jordan and took hostages.


October 4, 2017 ISIS: Tongo Tongo ambush in Niger

On October 4, 2017 an ISIS affiliated terrorist group killed four US servicemen, four Nigerien soldiers and an interpreter near Tongo Tongo