Hey Canada! Resorting to generic, meaningless terminology to describe terrorism is inaccurate, unhelpful and deters from broader understanding.

Hey Canada! Resorting to generic, meaningless terminology to describe terrorism is inaccurate, unhelpful and deters from broader understanding.
We have been ‘doing’ preventative work in the terrorism sphere for a few decades: is it time for a rethink?
How far should intelligence and law enforcement agencies go in investigating terrorist threats?
There are national security and public safety threats: terrorism is most usually one of the latter, not the former.
The war on terrorism has led to an over-dependence on military tactics and analyses on ways to counter it. Time to retire this term.
Sometimes the need to ensure public safety and national security require ‘taking the ugly date to the dance’.
When you call it a ‘war on terrorism’ you’d expect a military role, no? But is it the best approach?
Episode 113 – What is the world of CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) all about? What is the reality of all this?
Quick Hits 177 – A former insider’s perspective on how counter-terrorism actually works
The only terrorist who cannot harm us is a dead one: derad programs are far from perfect