When a nation’s spy agency has a morale problem it can have widespread effects on national security: a conversation with a former Canadian intel officer.

When a nation’s spy agency has a morale problem it can have widespread effects on national security: a conversation with a former Canadian intel officer.
On May 30, 2009 two pamphlet-bombs exploded outside an Ecuadorian TV station and ministry: no victims or significant damage ensued.
Hey Canada! Resorting to generic, meaningless terminology to describe terrorism is inaccurate, unhelpful and deters from broader understanding.
Recent initiatives in Western countries like Canada to eschew terms like Islamist terrorism are nothing more than useless and counterproductive bureaucratic exercises.
The debate over the events of Jan 6 in Washington continues. Was it terrorism? A riot? A coup?
There are valid reasons for states to invoke secrecy: is Canada’s Trudeau government using this excuse to hide something when it comes to naval purchases?
The fear that an armed conflict between India and Pakistan could escalate to an exchange of nukes keep many national security officials awake at nights.
While we have come to expect heightened security cordons these days we might want to make sure they are all necessary.
Declaring ‘victory’ over a terrorist group/terrorism may be a nice sound bite, but it is rarely accurate.
Here’s what needs to be done by the Liberal minority government on the national security/public safety front.