Nothing of major significance in the history of terrorism happened on September 21 over the past 150 years

Nothing of major significance in the history of terrorism happened on September 21 over the past 150 years
A new book on terrorism in Canada is now out! Borealis takes you behind the scenes of this book.
Update on my latest (and last?) book – A history of terrorism in Canada from Confederation to today. Just sent off to printer! Stay tuned for availability and how to order!!!
Why would the Brits ask a Canadian to write their official SIGINT history?
In this episode, Borealis is joined by Yemen specialist Gregory Johnsen to get a better understanding of how we got there and what the stakes are.
One year already! Borealis reflects on 365 terrorist attacks over history, one for each calendar day.
The Fenians were Irish Americans seeking to put pressure on Britain to free Ireland and hence could be seen as ‘freedom fighters’. Except that they carried out attacks in Canada and assassinated one of the leaders of Canadian independence. So, are they terrorists instead? Borealis dives into the neverending debate of freedom fighter vs terrorist.
University of Toronto’s David Wilson joins Borealis to talk about this forgotten violent chapter of Canadian history.
Fascinating chat between retired UCLA professor David Rapoport and career CSIS Analyst Phil Gurski about the ‘wave theory’ of terrorism.
Looking at the ‘War on Terror’ through the lens of the French Revolution.