Quick Hits 169 – Phil Gurski explains why Canada needs a foreign intelligence devoted to HUMINT.

Quick Hits 169 – Phil Gurski explains why Canada needs a foreign intelligence devoted to HUMINT.
If there is a threat that is truly ‘existential’ to life on Earth it has to be nuclear weapons proliferation. So, how do we stop it?
Why would the Brits ask a Canadian to write their official SIGINT history?
There is far too much information to process: what is the analysts’ best way to wade through it all?
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought into the foreground the need to plan for the next one and the role of intelligence agencies.
Satellite imagery (aka imagery intelligence or IMINT) is a very useful tool in gathering data on what is happening during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Intelligence agencies play an important role during a pandemic to see how widespread the disease is as well as to determine who is hiding the truth.