Terrorism is really hard to defeat. Governments often announce ‘victory’ over terrorist entities to sound positive, but these pronouncements are usually hollow.
Tag: Islamist terrorism

Islamist terrorists kill and wound people, most of whom are Muslims, at orders of magnitude greater than right-wing actors.

Listing all acts of terrorism that occurred in the world last week from the 18th to the 24th of January, 2021.

Listing all acts of terrorism that occurred in the world last week from the 25th to the 31st of January, 2021.
It is time for the Modi government to disavow violent Hindu extremism in Assam and elsewhere as well as time for all nations to crack down on Islamist terrorism
When it comes to what the PRC is doing with the incarceration of up to a million Uyghur Muslims, there is no protest among muslim states. What gives?
Suspected Islamist terrorists may have used an artillery shell to damage a Russian gas pipeline in December 2004, injuring 22 people
Will it ever be possible for us to determine to any degree of certainty that a terrorist has fully abandoned the violent ideology that made him one?
Far right terrorism may indeed be ‘on the rise’ – or is it? In any event this form of political violence is a mere shadow of its Islamist cousin
One sure sign that someone is become radicalised, perhaps violently so, is their rejection of democracy.