Episode 98 – Phil Gurski is joined by former RCMP strategic analyst Angus Smith to discuss how spies and cops have related, but different responsibilities

Episode 98 – Phil Gurski is joined by former RCMP strategic analyst Angus Smith to discuss how spies and cops have related, but different responsibilities
Quick hits 168 – How reliable witness statements are and why we often never determine the real reasons for violent events.
Episode 97 – Phil Gurski talks with Dr Sara Kamali, author of the new book, HOMEGROWN HATE: Why White Nationalists and Militant Islamists are Waging War against the United States
Quick Hits 167 – Muslims in London, Ont., express shock, grief in wake of ‘planned’ hit and run
Quick Hits 166 – What is Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE)?
Episode 96 – Phil Gurski is joined by Greg Fyffe, former head of the Privy Council Office’s Intelligence Assessments Secretariat (PCOIAS).
Covid: Biden orders investigation into virus origin as lab leak theory debated
Episode 95 – Just in time for the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, Phil Gurski talks to 30-year RCMP veteran Ben Maure about Canada’s international policing missions.
Should we, in the West, deal with a royal who sends assassins abroad?
Episode 94 – Phil Gurski talks to Canadian sociologist Frank Furedi about being obsessed with terrorism and having disproportionate fears.