
February 24, 2012: Boko Haram orchestrates Nigerian prison attack

On February 24, 2012 Boko Haram attacked a police station and prison in the Nigerian city of Gombe, killing four.

GOMBE, NIGERIA – Apparently terrorists are at a premium these days, hence the need to rescue those in prison.

Terrorist groups are funny things. Consistency is not their strong point. They make claims about what they stand for, what they are ready to fight for, and what they see as a path towards a ‘better world‘ – through their eyes of course (many disagree with their plans for our ‘betterment’).

One interesting position is what to do with their members. Those who are sent on suicide missions are expected to carry out their actions and die in the process. On occasion these terrorists fail – their bombs don’t go off, they are disarmed before they can push the button, or they have a last second change of heart (wouldn’t you?). Others are captured or surrender (we are seeing, at least according to Nigerian officials, massive submissions of Boko Haram terrorists of late).

What then to do with imprisoned terrorists? Forget about them? Or try to get them back?

Sure it sucks here, but it beats blowing myself up! (Photo: miss_millions on flickr, CC BY 2.0)

On this day in 2012

Boko Haram attacked a police station and prison in the Nigerian city of Gombe, killing four. Police claimed to have successfully defended both locations after multiple explosions had been detected and a two-hour gun battle ensued.

There were several explosions. They wanted to break open the prison, but the policemen on guard there repelled them.

Gombe police commissioner

A week earlier,  Boko Haram said it was behind a similar attack on a prison in Kogi State which freed more than 100 prisoners. I guess its hard to get recruits these days.

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By Phil Gurski

Phil Gurski is the President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. Phil is a 32-year veteran of CSE and CSIS and the author of six books on terrorism.

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