
The Jihadi view of the world in a nutshell

We talk a lot about ideology when it comes to terrorism: sometimes it is a good idea to remind ourselves of the basics.


Can we talk with terrorists?

Sometimes we have to do things we really would rather not: negotiating with terrorists may be one of them.


Just how important is leadership to terrorist groups?

ISIS has a new leader – does it matter? Can society function if everyone is on the same level? Where would be without leaders?


January 15, 2008 | Explosion targeting US personnel in Lebanon

On this day in 2008 a bomb exploded next to a US Embassy vehicle on a coastal road in Beirut, killing at least three motorists.


Northwest Airlines underwear bomber – December 25, 2009

On Christmas Day 2009, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab boarded a Northwest Airlines flight with a device hidden in his underware and failed to detonate it.

Books by Phil Gurski

Books By Phil Gurski Phil Gurski has written six books on terrorism since 2015: the latest is The Peaceable Kingdom? A history of terrorism in Canada from Confederation to the present (published by Double Dagger in 2022).  Here is some information on all six and how to get a copy. Western Foreign Fighters: The Threat […]


Today in Terrorism: November 20, 1979 – Siege at Grand Mosque in Mecca

Today is one of those days in history where I have an unfortunate richness in terrorist attacks to choose from.


Today in Terrorism: November 19, 1995 – Attack on the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan

A suicide bomber rammed his explosive-packed truck into the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad on Nov. 19, 1995, killing 15 people, including the second secretary of the embassy and three Egyptian security guards.


Remember Al Qaeda? It’s baaaacckkk!

When you have been at war with something for almost two decades it is important to declare ‘victory’ at some point. Those whose support you – i.e. the public/taxpayer – need and want to see some results for the actions they are backstopping. Fighting for years with no sense that you are winning is a […]


Tit for tat terrorism

Of all the analysis on the terrorist attack in New Zealand which an Australian white supremacist slaughtered 50 innocent Muslims at prayer, including a three-year old boy, what has surfaced on occasion is the fear that this incident will inspire others to carry out similar heinous acts of violence: copy cat crimes if you will. […]