On November 20, 2018 unidentified gunmen kidnaped nine students and a teacher at Lords Bilingual School in Kumba, Cameroon.
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Those who advocate or not so subtly justify the use of violence by environmental activists are terrorists, pure and simple.
On November 17, 1976 Abu Nidal terrorists burst into the Intercontinental Hotel in Amman, Jordan and took hostages.
Recent initiatives in Western countries like Canada to eschew terms like Islamist terrorism are nothing more than useless and counterproductive bureaucratic exercises.
On November 15, 2013 gunmen abducted a Taiwanese woman and her husband holidaying in Malaysia and handed them to the Abu Sayyaf Group.
When terrorists become rulers
Bringing in (former) terrorists to run nations is generally a very bad idea: terrorist groups are not even remotely qualified to do so.
Life sentences for terrorism are appropriate. Why does the Canadian justice system fail to appreciate this very simple concept?
On November 3, 2008 a car bomb blast at a fruit market and another explosion minutes later at a nearby teashop wounded 73 people in Muslim southern Thailand.
On November 2, 2020 a wannabe Austrian ISIS terrorist killed four and wounded more than a dozen in Vienna before he was killed by police.
On October 21, 2007 PKK terrorists killed at least 17 Turkish soldiers and wounded 16 others near Turkey’s border with Iraq.