Iran attack: US troops targeted with ballistic missiles. ‘This is localized conflict, not WWIII’ says Phil Gurski, former Iranian analyst at CSE and CSIS.
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The decision to take Soleimani out points to a fundamental U.S. lack of understanding of the current terrorism threat and will lead to more, not fewer, deaths.
We know that terrorist attacks can inspire others to act in similar ways but sometimes it is hard to tell if a given action is indeed terrorist in nature.
Israel has been a terrorist target since its creation, forcing the country’s security agents to be imaginative.
We need to combat terrorism on a number of fronts but it is not clear how necessary terrorist entity listings are.
The seventh annual Global Terrorism Index covers key global trends and patterns in terrorism.
Deaths from terrorism are down, but…
Terrorists killed less than half as many people in 2018 than they did in 2014: some trends are still worrisome however.
Serge Stroobants and Phil Gurski joins CPAC’s Peter Van Dusen to discuss their newest report on tracking terrorist threats, the 2019 Global Terrorism Index.
On this day in 2016, two explosions caused by a car bombing and suicide bombing in Istanbul killed 48 people and injured 166 others.
Many pundits remarked that we saw neither hide nor hair of anything related to national security or foreign policy in the platforms of any of the main parties during the election campaign.