10 years ago, Canada dropped the Iranian group MEK from terror list.
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Canada labels the Proud Boys, other neo-Nazi groups as terrorists.
Today is a bit of a departure, but just a bit: I want to talk about Iran. You know, that country in the Middle East which everyone thinks is public enemy #1!
Three German soldiers serving with the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan were wounded by a Taliban bomb in November 2004.
There are many examples where ‘imported’ religious leaders poison the minds of followers: this practice has to stop.
Terrorists from Egypt’s Al Gama’a Al Islamiyah massacred 62 people, including 58 tourists, at the Temple of Hatshepsut in November 1997.
Of all the counter terrorism tools we have the exercise of listing groups seems the most political and least effective.
Two Uyghur terrorist groups claimed a vehicle attack in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in October 2013 in which two were killed.
October 27, 2013: Bombings in India
Indian Islamist terrorists are believed to have been behind the 2013 bombings which targeted a BJP rally killing six and wounding dozens.
A Pakistani suicide bomber killed 43 people and wounded 150 in southeastern Iran in 2009.