Are the recent concerns about the state of the ‘5 eyes’ intelligence alliance justified? Take a breath folks, nothing to see here.

Are the recent concerns about the state of the ‘5 eyes’ intelligence alliance justified? Take a breath folks, nothing to see here.
Quick Hits 170 – The benefits of getting rid of the term terrorism and charging suspects with murder.
Quick Hits 166 – What is Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE)?
Episode 93 – Phil Gurski talks with Matthew Zegar, host of the Career Paths Podcast, about a working in counter-terrorism.
It is safe to say that most people would avoid being anywhere near a terrorist attack. Some, however, seem to have a fascination with these events to the point where they distort their own experiences. Borealis weighs in on this curious phenomenon. Read New York Times article Port Authority Bomber Is Sentenced to Life in […]
Are we ok with companies like YouTube using algorithms to decide what is ok to view and what is not on their platforms?
Those who say intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been ‘preoccupied’ with Islamist terrorism since 9/11 are missing the point
Even if the terrorist listing process in Canada is still largely political that does not mean that it does not have its good uses
Islamist terrorists kill and wound people, most of whom are Muslims, at orders of magnitude greater than right-wing actors.