
So, where is all the Right Wing Extremism?

Just because someone says something about terrorism does not make it so: claims are made all the time but not all these are backed up by any data.


So where is all the right wing extremism in the US post-election period?

We need to constantly remind ourselves that the vast majority of those who sound violent do not act violently.

Podcast Quick Hits

Quick Hits: Research finds Canadians among most active in online right-wing extremism

Canadians are supposedly really active on right wing extremism websites. How worried should we be? Have a listen to how Borealis sees this data.


Did Germany drop the ball on right-wing extremism?

Over the last years we are hearing more and more about how many Germans espousing right-wing extreme ideas. German military in particular is concerned.


Is Canada seething with violent rightwing extremism and Islamophobia?

A lot of people  in Canada, particularly Muslims and even more narrowly Muslims in Quebec, are frightened today.  The massacre at the Islamic Cultural Centre in the provincial capital of la belle province has many worried about their safety and mosques across the country are upping security and receiving special attention from local law enforcement. […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

It is time to be more careful when throwing the word ‘genocide’ around

The recent attempt to accuse Israel of genocide in Gaza cheapens the term and takes away from real instances of this crime


The Terrorism Dog That Didn’t Bite: A Look Back at Violent Extremism in 2023

Predictions of a ‘rise’ in far right terrorism have been making the rounds for several years and been found wanting: is it time to admit that jihadis still rule the terrorism roost?


How much ‘right’ does the public have to know?

Are there occasions when less, rather than more, information is a better way to manage reactions to violence in our societies?

Quick Hits

Yes there is something called left-wing terrorism – get it right!

Left-wing terrorism is on the rise in many countries but no one seems to want to talk about it – why not?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is ‘Hindu extremism’ and how bad is it?

India is a multiethnic country with a huge Muslim minority: is that minority at risk of violence by Hindu extremists?