
January 9, 2014: Murder of Pakistani counter terrorism police officer

On this day in 2014 a senior Pakistani police officer known for campaigning against the Taliban was killed in a bomb blast in Karachi.

Quick Hits Radio interview

Once inside the Capitol, it was like a frat party

Listen to my interview on Canada Now with Jeff Sammut

Quick Hits Video

Quick Hits 125 – What to make of Washington DC violence – Take 2

Borealis is joined by Barbara Perry, Canadian academic who specialises on the far right as to what it all means and what we can expect moving forward.


A dead terrorist is a good terrorist, especially when another terrorist kills him

When terrorists kill terrorists it is a good day (provided that innocent civilians do not also die in the process). One less terrorist to worry about is a good thing.


January 8, 2015: Killing of policewoman in France

On this day in 2015 Ahmed Coulibaly, a French Islamist terrorist, shot dead an unarmed policewoman, Clarissa Jean-Philippe, in the Paris suburb of Montrouge


January 7, 2010: Coptic Christian massacre in Egypt

On this day in 2010 Coptic Christians exiting a church where they were celebrating Christmas were gunned down: in all six were killed.

Quick Hits Video

Quick Hits 124 – What the hell happened in Washington today?

A mog storms the US Senate. Sessions are ended, tear gas is strewn, chaos reigns.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Sophia Moskalenko: How does the sharing of images and memes online contribute to radicalisation?

How do MAGA hats, swastikas and ISIS flags lead to violent extremism?


January 6, 2018: Shootings in Senegal

On this day in 2018 thirteen people were killed in an attack in the southern Senegalese region of Casamance.

Quick Hits Video

Quick Hits 123 – Do conspiracy theories constitute an ‘ideology’

Lizard people, COVID, 5G… What conspiracy theories did the Christmas Day Nashville bomber believe in? Was he treated differently because he was white?