Phil in the media Video

RealPolitik podcast – Canadian intelligence community should continue to focus on Islamic extremist terrorism

I was a guest on the RealPolitik podcast to discuss why Canadian intelligence community should focus on Islamic extremist terrorism. Have a listen!

Phil in the media Video

Are Antifa terrorists? What does terrorism even mean? A discussion with youtuber Vaush

I was a guest on the Vaush youtube show yesterday to discuss Antifa and terrorism from a left perspective. Have a listen!

Phil in the media Video

The David Pakman Show – Terrorism expert Phil Gurski on what creates terrorism

Phil Gurski is a guest on The David Pakman Show to discuss the sources of terror, the war on terror, and much more. Watch the interview!

Phil in the media Video

A Discussion With Phil Gurski on CSIS and Western Foreign Policy

How do foreign policy decisions and terrorism intersect? Are we making good choices? I was a guest on James Tibbs’ show to discuss these issues and much more!

Phil in the media Video

Terrorism, Iran and Foreign Policy: A Discussion With Phil Gurski (Specialist in Terrorism)

Armin Navabi from Atheist Republic interviews Phil Gurski. Phil is a specialist in terrorism, the author of ‘When Religion Kills’ and many other books. Don’t miss this!

Phil in the media Video

Can Religion Sometimes Be a Hazard? Interview with Phil Gurski – Part 2

The 2nd part of an interview with terrorism specialist Phil Gurski on religions that become hazardous. This episode discusses Judaism, Zionism, Anti-Semitism, Atheism, Marxism, the role of CSIS, etc.

Phil in the media

COVID-19: An Intelligence Perspective

In this episode of Adversity Quotient, Phil Gurski and David Henigman discuss the roles of intelligence agencies during pandemic and what may change going forward.

Phil in the media

The Bill Kelly Show – Antifa to be designated as terrorist organization

I was a guest on The Bill Kelly Show this morning to discuss the plans to list Antifa as a terrorist organization. Have a listen.

Phil in the media Video

Can Religion Sometimes Be a Hazard? Interview with Phil Gurski – Part 1

I was a guest on the Multi-Hazards podcast to discuss religion and ideology with Vin Nelsen. Have a listen!

Phil in the media

Terrorism in Toronto, the Westgate Shooter & WTF incelosphere?

Canadian intel specialist Phil Gurski, sits down to discuss the incelosphere and the recent decision by to add terrorism to the “incel-motivated” stabbing in Toronto.