Episode 99 – Phil Gurski talks to former UK FCO official Suzanne Raine on why vigilance is the better strategy.
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On June 17, 1995 two people firebombed the French Consulate in Perth protesting a decision by the French government to renew nuclear tests in the South Pacific
On June 13, 2016 an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group in the Philippines, Abu Sayyaf Group, killed Canadian Robert Hall
On June 11, 2016 the Afghan Taliban skinned a man alive before throwing him off a cliff to his death.
On June 7, 2017 ISIS attacked the Iranian Parliament and the Ayatollah Khomeini mausoleum in Tehran, killing 18 and wounding another 52
On June 3, 2017 suicide bombers killed at least seven people at a funeral in the Afghan capital, Kabul, and wounded another 100.
The sovereign right to protect one’s nation from terrorists should not include methods that just create the conditions for more terrorism.
On May 7, 2016 ISIS terrorists launched several mortar rounds containing chlorine gas at the village of Bashir killing three and wounding hundreds
On May 6, 2007 a clash broke out at a United Nations-run school in the Gaza Strip in which one person was killed and six wounded.
On May 4, 2005 a suicide bomber pretending to be a job seeker blew himself up outside a police recruiting center in Erbil killing at least 60 Kurds