Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Whatever happened to Sikh extremism?

Episode 2 – Here are supplementary notes for podcast #2


The ill-named ‘war on terrorism’ is not going well

The title of this blog is biased, of that there is no doubt. This offering is also perhaps not really necessary as Rowman and Littlefield have just published my 4th book, An End to the War on Terrorism, in which I have a much longer discussion on the premise of this much shorter piece.  So […]


Back to the future for the CIA and counter terrorism

If there is one agency that has not done too well, at least not publicly, since 9/11 it is the US’ CIA.  From failing to have the right people and resources in place to prevent those terrorist acts from happening to the news over the use of torture and ‘black sites’, the Agency – as […]


Contrary to accepted wisdom, terrorism CAN be detected early enough to prevent

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on July 30, 2018 In the wake of an attack, whether it be terrorist in nature or a mass shooting/stabbing/vehicle ramming incident, we often read comments and statements such as the following: no one saw this coming it was completely unpredictable (and by extension unpreventable) who would have […]


The implications of the US-Canada tiff for national security

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on June 25, 2018 Canada and the US cooperate on many issues in many forums: the G7 (even with last week’s horror show thanks to the US President), the G20, the UN as well as a whole host of international bodies, in addition to numerous bilateral councils and […]


The Time to Call Anti-Semitism Terrorism Is Well Past Due

The vile practice of anti-Semitism has been around for millennia: when does it cross the line into acts of terrorism?

Quick Hits

How believable are claims of success against terrorism?

Governments make truly impressive claims in their counterterrorism campaigns, but can these numbers be trusted?


Why in heaven’s name should Canada repatriate those who left us to join ISIS?

A court ruling that tries to force the Canadian government to repatriate those who joined ISIS of their own free will is daft


May 20, 2010: ‘Sovereign citizen’ shootings in US

On May 20, 2010 two US police officers in Arkansas were shot and killed during a traffic stop by a father and son duo later identified as sovereign citizens.


March 20, 2017: White supremacist stabs man in New York

On March 19, 2017 a white supremacist killed a 66-year black man in New York in an apparent ‘warm-up’ for a mass killing of black men in Times Square.