Satellite imagery (aka imagery intelligence or IMINT) is a very useful tool in gathering data on what is happening during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tag: Canada
An unspeakable crime has occurred in Nova Scotia with the deaths of 18 people, including an RCMP officer. Was this terrorism?
The mass shootings in Nova Scotia on April 19 and 20 have led to many questions on the motives behind the massacre, questions that may go unanswered.
Canada should not sell arms to Saudi Arabia in light of the Kingdom’s human rights violations and brutal killing of Jamal Kashoggi.
Intelligence agencies play an important role during a pandemic to see how widespread the disease is as well as to determine who is hiding the truth.
How recent setbacks, real or perceived, could lead some to activists taking the law into their own hands.
Canada suffered casualties during its mission in Afghanistan and it is tragic that a Western departure will not bring peace.
We see our intelligence sector as there to protect us from threats like terrorism and foreign espionage – what about pandemics?
‘Experts’ can help Canadians understand national security and public safety threats, but only if they are truly knowledgeable.
Canada is still considering Huawei as a supplier of 5G, despite the opposition of some of our allies, including the U.S. Should the Trudeau government choose Huawei, there could be real implications for intelligence sharing.