I was a guest on The Bill Kelly Show this morning to discuss the plans to list Antifa as a terrorist organization. Have a listen.
Tag: Donald Trump
President Trump has threatened to list Antifa as a terrorist organisation. Some say he can’t do that. What if we dropped terrorism as a criminal offence?
Intelligence agencies really should have more of a dialogue with those who support them financially, i.e. the taxpayers/citizens.
We should have learned by now that military occupation to deal with terrorism is seldom a good idea: the problem is there are few alternatives. This contribution appeared in Homeland Security Today on February 17, 2020 HOMELAND SECURITY TODAY — It is looking more and more like the U.S. will ink a deal with the […]
Every nation has a sovereign right to determine who gets in: immigration is still a net gain for us however.

Terrorist attacks on Israel and Israeli interests have been going on for decades and show no signs of going away.
Intelligence is an important part of decision making but what happens when the officials using intelligence can’t be trusted?
The assassination of IRGC General Soleimani in a US airstrike will make terrorism worse, not better, and takes our eye off a larger threat: Sunni terrorism.
The powers the US has on Canadian soil to ‘protect’ national security’ should make us think twice about going there. At the risk of being the nostalgic old fart in the room I am going to tell a story. When I was young, growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, my father and I would […]
Declaring ‘victory’ over a terrorist group/terrorism may be a nice sound bite, but it is rarely accurate.