
September 28, 1966: Hostage taking in the Falkland Islands

Argentinian nationalists hijacked an airliner and took hostages in an effort to force the UK to recognise Argentine sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.

Phil in the media Video

Que cache le nouveau complexe logistique chinois au Canada?

Le World Commodity Trade Center, un centre logistique géant en construction à Vancouver, suscite des soupçons sur les intentions réelles du gouvernement chinois au Canada. Craintes fondées ou paranoïa? Décryptage de Phil Gurski, ancien officier des services de renseignement canadiens, au micro de Rachel Marsden. La nouvelle route de la soie chinoise s’étend-elle jusqu’au Canada, […]

Podcast Quick Hits

The man who cried ISIS

Canadian police arrest Shehroze Chaudhry (Abu Huzayfah) for fabricating interviews about terrorist involvement with Islamic State (ISIS) and terrorism hoax.


September 27, 2011: Anarchist bombing in Mexico

Mexican anarchists threw two incendiary devices against a Walmart in the capital city as the initial salvo of the ‘war against the existing order’.


September 26, 2016: ISIS murder in Sinai

ISIS in the Sinai terrorists beheaded two civilians in 2016 and dumped their orange jumpsuit-clad bodies at the side of the road.


Where on the ideological spectrum do conspiracy theories lie?

Violence associated with conspiracy theorists such as those linked to QAnon is becoming a real concern but are all conspiracy theories right wing?


September 25, 2002: Akshardham Temple attack

Two Jaish-e-Mohamed terrorists raided the Aksshardham temple in India’s Gujarat State in 2002, killing 30 and wounding 80.

Quick Hits Video

Is it time to focus counter-terrorism resources on the far-right?

Australia’s domestic spies are ramping up their counter-terrism efforts against right wing extremists, probably at the expense of looking at jihadis.


September 23-24, 1985: Moro pirates attack in Philippines

Moro pirates from the Philippines ambushed a town in the Malaysian province of Sabah in September 1985 killing 21 people.


September 23, 2014: Teenage terrorist shot dead in Australia after stabbing state police officer

On this day in 2014, an 18-year old Australian ISIS wannabe stabbed two Melbourne police officers days after the terrorist group called on followers to do so.