Six months after ‘Bloody Sunday’ the Irish terrorist group IRA carried out bomb attacks in Belfast that became known as ‘Bloody Friday’.
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The auditor general found despite a recent increase in removals, about 50,000 enforceable cases piled up in the CBSA’s inventory during the time of her audit.
I think we all agree that the worst crime humans can commit is to try to, or succeed in, killing whole races.
On this day in 2016, a Palestinian man lightly injured three Israeli soldiers near an illegal settlement in the West Bank: the culprit was seriously wounded.
On this day in 1985, Sikh extremists perpetrated the single greatest terrorist act in history when they placed a bomb on an Air India flight, killing 329.
It is simply too early to label incel violence ‘terrorism’ and we have other legal tools to deal with this hateful, misogynist phenomenon.
The May 1974 car bombs in Dublin and Monaghan demonstrated that the IRA was not the only violent actor: the UVF was equally violent.
On this day in 1974, three PFLP terrorists took over 100 students hostage at a school in Ma’alot and killed 31 when security forces attempted a rescue.
How can Western democratic states use surveillance technology to monitor who has COVID-19 and still respect privacy laws?
Canada should not sell arms to Saudi Arabia in light of the Kingdom’s human rights violations and brutal killing of Jamal Kashoggi.