
There is more than enough blame on both sides for the ongoing violence in Israel/Palestine

The sovereign right to protect one’s nation from terrorists should not include methods that just create the conditions for more terrorism.


May 10, 2012: Suicide bombers hit military intelligence in Damascus

On May 10, 2012 two suicide bombers detonated two car bombs outside a military intelligence building in Damascus, killing 55 and wounding more than 400.


April 14, 2004: Taliban executes supporters of Afghan president

On this day in 2004, seven people, including at least three government employees, were executed by suspected Taliban terrorists near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan.


What can we actually ‘predict’ when it comes to terrorism?

Our obsession with future-casting on all matters, including terrorist trends, may be understandable but that does not make it viable.


April 11, 2011: Terrorists bomb metro during rush hour in Belarus

On this day in 2011, a bomb was detonated at the Oktyabrskaya metro station in Minsk, Belarus, killing 12 people and injuring 126. The bomb was set to go off during rusk hour at one of the busiest metro stations in the city.


April 10, 1992: PIRA detonates one-ton bomb in UK’s financial center

On this day in 1992, the PIRA detonated a one-ton homemade bomb hidden in a white van in front of the Baltic Exchange building at the heart of London’s financial district.

The Peaceable Kingdom reviews


March 19, 1999: Terrorists bomb crowded market in North Ossetia

On this day in 1999 52 people were killed and 168 wounded in a bombing at a crowded market in Vladkavkaz, the capital of North Ossetia.


Canada needs to act on Saudis’ targeting of dissidents

The release of a CIA report holding Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman responsible for the brutal death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 matters to Canadians, because the same sort of thing can happen here. We’ve already seen the evidence.


Do we need intelligence to stop nuclear weapons proliferation?

If there is a threat that is truly ‘existential’ to life on Earth it has to be nuclear weapons proliferation. So, how do we stop it?