The heads of security intelligence agencies seldom open up: when they do it is a sign to pay attention.
Tag: China
On this day in 1992 bombs placed on buses in Urumqi, the capital of the Uyghur Autonomous Region exploded, killing three and wounding 23.

Episode 79 – Borealis sits down with Chris Parsons of Canada’s Citizen Lab to have a chat about the role of private sector among FBIs, CSISs and GCHQs.
The idea that China is a responsible member of the international community is insane and the world’s nations have to stand up to its aggression.
When it comes to what the PRC is doing with the incarceration of up to a million Uyghur Muslims, there is no protest among muslim states. What gives?
Every other Western nation seems to understand China is not our friend: what is taking Canada so long?
Even if we cannot agree on what ‘terrorism’ is, we should be able to agree on what it isn’t. In this episode, Borealis looks at some recent abuses of the word terrorism and calls on all countries to reject this usage.
Canada’s cyber security agency has named China, Russia, Iran and North Korea as the ‘greatest strategic threats’ to Canada’s infrastructure, property and elections.
Two Uyghur terrorist groups claimed a vehicle attack in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in October 2013 in which two were killed.
When we cannot agree on what a word means, how can we deal with the consequences of its actions?