How can Western democratic states use surveillance technology to monitor who has COVID-19 and still respect privacy laws?
Tag: Coronavirus
Even ISIS is afraid of COVID-19, suggesting we may not see an uptick in attacks seeking to take advantage of a possible skeleton crew in security and intelligence agencies. Read more about the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and its ties with terrorism.
The federal government is considering making it an offence to knowingly spread misinformation that could harm people in this time of COVID-19.
An unspeakable crime has occurred in Nova Scotia with the deaths of 18 people, including an RCMP officer. Was this terrorism?
The mass shootings in Nova Scotia on April 19 and 20 have led to many questions on the motives behind the massacre, questions that may go unanswered.
Intelligence agencies play an important role during a pandemic to see how widespread the disease is as well as to determine who is hiding the truth.
How recent setbacks, real or perceived, could lead some to activists taking the law into their own hands.
The perils of ‘terrorism prediction’
No one can predict the future and that includes terrorism ‘experts’.
There is a movement to charge those claiming to spread the COVID-19 virus with terrorism. We only dilute our understanding of the word if we do so.
COVID-19 is causing a lot of fear and anxiety around the world. In India, some Hindu extremists are now blaming the country’s Muslims for the outbreak. In this Quick Hits podcast we look at the potential for violence.
How terrorists may use COVID-19 to plan attacks to bring about the apocalyspe.