On May 12, 2003 39 people were killed and more than 160 wounded when AQ set off bombs in three compounds in Riyadh.

On May 12, 2003 39 people were killed and more than 160 wounded when AQ set off bombs in three compounds in Riyadh.
Episode 125 – Three years ago a Saudi ‘Tiger Team’ tried to assassinate a high-ranking former intel official now living in Canada. What should Canada do now? Borealis is rejoined by former CSIS agent Al Treddenick to discuss this.
Quick Hits 182 – Is Saudi Arabia a desirable partner for the West when it comes to counter-terrorism?
On June 30, 2016 twin brothers stabbed their mother to death and seriously injured their father and brother over their allegiance to ISIS
On May 29, 2004 Islamist terrorists attacked a residential complex in the Saudi port industrial city of Al Khobar, killing 22 and wounding another 25
On this day in 2004, a suspected Al Qaeda suicide bomber detonated his vehicle at the gates of a government building in Riyadh killing five and wounding 148.
Episode 88 – Phil Gurski talks with Al Treddenick, former senior CSIS officer who was stationed at the Canadian embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The decision to name some groups as terrorist is often a very biased one: it is important to see why certain groups are labeled as such
The release of a CIA report holding Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman responsible for the brutal death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 matters to Canadians, because the same sort of thing can happen here. We’ve already seen the evidence.
Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar have so far turned a blind eye to mounting sectarian sentiment in Pakistan against Shiites and Ahmadis.