
April 20, 1999: Massacre at Columbine high school

On this day in 1999 two teenagers shot 12 students and a teacher at Columbine high school, wounding 24 others, before turning their weapons on themselves.


April 14, 2004: Taliban executes supporters of Afghan president

On this day in 2004, seven people, including at least three government employees, were executed by suspected Taliban terrorists near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan.


April 12, 1985: Multiple terrorist groups claim attack on Madrid restaurant

On this day in 1985 a bomb exploded at at El Descanso-La Casa de las Costillas, a popular restaurant in Madrid, bringing the three-story building down on about 200 diners and employees.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Tony McAleer: What is it like to be a former neo-Nazi?

Episode 83 – Borealis talks with Tony McAleer a former skinhead who is trying to help others not make the same mistake he did.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits 137 – When a government ‘delists’ a terrorist group, it shows how political the process really is

10 years ago, Canada dropped the Iranian group MEK from terror list.


Intelligence Veteran Reviews – Captain Marvel (2019)

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Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Gregory Johnsen: What is happening in Yemen and why does it matter?

In this episode, Borealis is joined by Yemen specialist Gregory Johnsen to get a better understanding of how we got there and what the stakes are.


So where is all the right wing extremism in the US post-election period?

We need to constantly remind ourselves that the vast majority of those who sound violent do not act violently.


October 22, 1970: Bombing in San Francisco

Terrorists tossed a bomb at a church holding the funeral of a police officer in San Francisco in October 1970.

Quick Hits Video

What to do with an ISIS wannabe?

A Canadian has been charged with terrorism hoax for lying about being part of ISIS. What should happen to him? Borealis talks to Mubin Shaikh, a Canadian who worked with Abu Huzayfah to see what he knew and when about this case. About my guest Mubin Shaikh: Mubin Shaikh is a former security intelligence and […]