
Canada must send a strong message to Saudi Arabia

No country can fail to respond to foreign states who send ‘hit squads’ to kill dissidents. With this in mind, what must the Trudeau government do?


Remember ISIS? Guess what: they still pose a threat here in Canada

It is rare for a terrorist group to entirely cease to exist. There have been several successful attacks over the past few years and there will be more.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

David Wilson: When Irish terrorists posed a real threat to… Canada!

University of Toronto’s David Wilson joins Borealis to talk about this forgotten violent chapter of Canadian history.

Quick Hits Video

Is it ok for one nation to send a hit squad to another?

News has just come out that Saudi Arabia sent a hit squad to Canada to kill former counter terrorism officer Saad al-Jabri. Saudi has a history of this, having killed Washington Post reporter and dissident Jamal Kashoggi in Istanbul in October 2018. What should Canada do in reponse? Borealis weighs in. The crown prince of Saudi […]


A rare insight into Canada’s most secretive spy agency

My old stomping grounds, CSE (Communications Security Establishment), has just put out its very first public report. Let the trumpets sound and the banners fly!


The first rule of spy club: you do not talk about spy club

Former CSIS Analyst Phil Gurski weighs in on why it makes sense for nations to share intelligence where and when they can.


The need to do a much better job of removing those who do not belong in Canada

The auditor general found despite a recent increase in removals, about 50,000 enforceable cases piled up in the CBSA’s inventory during the time of her audit.


Our problem with China is much bigger than the fate of the two Michaels

This contribution was published on The Hill Times on July 6, 2020 CSIS has warned about China’s activities for decades and those warnings have been shunted aside. China is not Canada’s friend. It is a serial human rights abuser in Xinjiang against Uyghur Muslims. OTTAWA, CANADA — You have to feel for the families of […]

Podcast Quick Hits

Armed suspect at Rideau Hall and Trump denies Russian bounty intelligence

Two interesting developments in two capitals. Armed suspect arrested at Rideau Hall and Trump denies being briefed on Russian bounty intelligence.

Podcast Quick Hits

Cancel Canada Day: Is the country going to hell in a handbasket?

Happy 153rd birthday Canada – or is it? It is time to push back against some myths, by looking at how safe a country we are, when it comes to terrorism.