Calling all serious hate-motivated violent crime ‘terrorism’ is unnecessary, unhelpful and problematic: we need to stop doing this

Calling all serious hate-motivated violent crime ‘terrorism’ is unnecessary, unhelpful and problematic: we need to stop doing this
Episode 86 – Phil Gurski discute avec Alexandre Rodde, chercheur Français et consultant en sécurité intérieure.
Episode 85 – Former CSIS Intelligence Analyst Phil Gurski is joined by Australian practitioner Peta Lowe to discuss these issues and more.
Listing all acts of terrorism that occurred in the world last week from the 25th to the 31st of January, 2021.
A mog storms the US Senate. Sessions are ended, tear gas is strewn, chaos reigns.
How do MAGA hats, swastikas and ISIS flags lead to violent extremism?
On this day in 1977 a letter bomb intended for a Maltese doctor during a hospital strike killed his 15-year old daughter instead.
So what happens when extremists show up to deradicalisation events seeking to recruit those being helped?
Watch my appearance on Global News about the FBI accusing 13 men of a violent plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and start a U.S. civil war ahead of the November presidential election.
In this episode, Borealis talks to Canada’s leading scholar on far right extremism, Dr. Barbara Perry of Ontario Tech University. Have a listen!