Quick Hits Video

Should we keep jihadis locked up for our own safety?

Armed ISIS wannabe dead after being shot by police on Logan Motorway in Australia.

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I’m right, you’re wrong, GO TO HELL!

Blasphemy laws are still common around the world. Why?

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Does who we are define what we do?

The warning signs in the Christchurch terrorist’s Australian upbringing.

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So now our spies need a warrant to use Google?

What to make of a new NSIRA report criticising CSIS for using open source info to help it do its job?

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What if deradicalisation programs are serving to bolster violent extremism?

So what happens when extremists show up to deradicalisation events seeking to recruit those being helped?

Phil in the media Quick Hits

Architect of Toronto 18 terror plot granted day parole against recommendation of Correctional Service of Canada

This past Tuesday, an architect of an extraordinary Toronto 18 terrorism plot to detonate truck bombs in the city’s downtown core was granted day parole.

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When things go wrong fingers get pointed – is this fair?

In the wake of a brutal killing and beheading of a French teacher in October for his ‘crime’ of showing the Muhammad cartoons, a report has come out saying French security and intelligence services failed to “appreciate the gravity of the defamatory campaign on social media against the teacher”.  In other words, the French blew it.  […]

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You gotta read – LOTS – if you want to stay informed

If you want to stay abreast of what is happening from a national security/public safety angle you need to invest time and effort to find that information.

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Why do security services get blamed when things go badly?

Austria apparently received but failed to act on intelligence from Germany and Slovakia. Was the attack a failure?

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What about environmental terrorism?

In this episode, Phil discusses B.C. pipeline opponents facing U.S. terrorist charge over train track interference.