Podcast Quick Hits

COVID-19: Is your faith putting you in danger? | QUICK HITS 30

Many people turn to religion in times of need. Some of the practices advocated by a few religious leaders are unhelpful and will aid in the spread of the COVId-19 virus. This too is religious extremism.


What role for Canadian intelligence during the COVID-19 crisis?

We see our intelligence sector as there to protect us from threats like terrorism and foreign espionage – what about pandemics?


No, COVID-19 is not an ‘intelligence failure’

Intelligence agencies really should have more of a dialogue with those who support them financially, i.e. the taxpayers/citizens.


No, COVID-19 is not a bioterror weapon

Pandemics like COVID-19 lead to fear… and to some wacky – but dangerous – conspiracy theories.


COVID-19 and Religious Extremism

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, we are seeing worrisome examples of religious people holding extreme views and engaging in religious practices which could make this situation worse.


COVID-19: When bad guys take advantage of international crisis

In this time of COVID-19 we have enough to worry about without freaking out about terrorism.

Quick Hits

Terrorist threats during the COVID-19 crisis

Terrorist groups are threatening to carry out terrorism during the COVID-19 crisis. How realistic is this and, more importantly, how afraid should we be in light of terrorist propaganda?

Podcast Quick Hits

COVID-19: Will we see more terrorist attacks?

As the world obsesses about COVID-19 could terrorists take advantage of our lack of focus? Will we see more terrorist attacks? If so, which groups will be most active?

Quick Hits

Quick Hits: COVID-19 and Public Safety

We are all worried about COVID-19 but does it constitute a ‘national security’ or a ‘public safety’ threat? How does it compare to terrorism? Have a listen!

Quick Hits

Quick Hits: COVID-19 and National Security

We are not sure how bad COVID-19 will get and we are all concerned. What are the national security implications for Canada and the ties with terrorism