Podcast Quick Hits

Should we bring back Canadian citizens who have fought for ISIS? | QUICK HITS 29

If you commit a crime in a foreign country that country has the right to arrest, try, convict, and imprison you (or execute you for a capital offence). Why should terrorists be any different?

Podcast Quick Hits

Is spreading the coronavirus an act of terrorism? | QUICK HITS 28

COVID-19 is scary, very scary. We know that it is spread from person to person. So if a person spreads it deliberately can/should that person be charged with ‘terrorism’?

Quick Hits

Terrorist threats during the COVID-19 crisis

Terrorist groups are threatening to carry out terrorism during the COVID-19 crisis. How realistic is this and, more importantly, how afraid should we be in light of terrorist propaganda?

Podcast Quick Hits

COVID-19: Will we see more terrorist attacks?

As the world obsesses about COVID-19 could terrorists take advantage of our lack of focus? Will we see more terrorist attacks? If so, which groups will be most active?

Quick Hits

Quick Hits: COVID-19 and Public Safety

We are all worried about COVID-19 but does it constitute a ‘national security’ or a ‘public safety’ threat? How does it compare to terrorism? Have a listen!

Quick Hits

Quick Hits: COVID-19 and National Security

We are not sure how bad COVID-19 will get and we are all concerned. What are the national security implications for Canada and the ties with terrorism

Podcast Quick Hits

The ‘War’ on Coronavirus | QUICK HITS 23

In this Quick Hits podcast, Phil Gurski explains why we must refrain from using military terminology during the coronavirus crisis.

Podcast Quick Hits

Coronavirus, Terrorism and Fear | QUICK HITS 22

The world is in a COVID-19 (Coronavirus) panic. People are living in fear and cancelling events and travel. What, if any, are the parallels with terrorism?

Podcast Quick Hits

Have you ever witness an act of terrorism? | QUICK HITS 21

How close have you been to a terrorist attack? Not too close I hope. In this Quick Hits podcast, Phil Gurski looks at what it means to be witness to one of these events.

Podcast Quick Hits

QUICK HITS 20 – No, Canada is not broken!

A recent poll shows majority of Canadians think this country is broken. Is it? Retired intelligence analyst Phil Gurski looks at our history of political violence to see if that is true.