The “Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa have made international headlines and even spawned similar actions abroad. Some have called it “terrorism”. Is it really?
Tag: COVID-19
Episode 124 – As Ottawa is still dealing with an anti-vaccine mandate trucking convoy, Borealis talks to former Ottawa Chief of Police Charles Bordeleau.

On November 18, 2013 a grenade was thrown through the front door of a newspaper in the Bahamas but failed to detonate.

Episode 100 – Borealis President Phil Gurski is delighted to welcome back US terrorism specialist Brian Jenkins to answer a simple question: whither terrorism?
When language matters
Quick Hits 166 – What is Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE)?
Covid: Biden orders investigation into virus origin as lab leak theory debated

Former CSIS analyst Phil Gurski looks at how intelligence failures are anything but.
Why are many consumed with a sense of moral panic that conspiracy theorists constitute the next wave of terrorism?
Doctor charged with ‘terrorism’ for embarrassing Turkish government over COVID figures
In the absence of a crystal ball we can still list some of the national security and public safety challenges we may face in 2021.