Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Cynthia Miller-Idriss: What do we mean by ‘the far right’?

Everyone seems to want to talk about ‘Right-Wing Extremism’ or RWE these days. It is a nebulous term that seems to cover an awful lot of actors. Borealis talks to Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss of American University in Washington DC whose latest book Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right is now out! Have […]

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Labelling misogyny as a form of terrorism is unhelpful

Many are discussing labelling misogyny as a primary motivator for terrorism. Borealis thinks this is a bad idea, have a listen to why.

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Are right-wing terrorists really a bigger concern than jihadis?

Pick up any Western newspaper and when it comes to terrorism it seems to be all right wing all the time. Is this an accurate analysis of where the threat really is?

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Remembering Corporal Nathan Cirillo 6 years after the shootings at Parliament Hill

Six years ago today unarmed Corporal Nathan Cirillo was killed while standing honour guard at the National Cenotpah by a Canadian Islamist terrorist. RIP Corporal Cirillo.

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What will the impact of the beheading of a high school teacher be on France?

A French teacher makes the difficult decision to raise the issue of the infamous ‘Muhammad cartoons’ to his class. People get angry and an 18-yr old student beheads this teacher.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Tom Abraham – How do dogs play a role in counter-terrorism?

In this episode, Borealis talks to a Canadian who has been involved in training ‘man’s best friend’ for four decades.

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If you “just drove the bus” for ISIS, should we let you go?

What do we do with those who say they joined terrorist groups but did nothing violent? Borealis weighs in on this topic.

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Golden Dawn trial: Greece shows us how to prosecute terrorism!

When terrorism cases come to court it is necessary to prove that ideology drove a (planned) act of violence. Why do we need to do that? Isn’t violence simply violence?

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Can the word terrorism be applied to groups like BLM and Antifa?

Borealis appears as a guest on a podcast hosted by Vaush to look if BLM and Antifa can be designated as terrorist organisations.

Phil in the media Quick Hits Video

FBI foils right-wing terror plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer

Borealis talks with CHML’s Bill Kelly about the FBI takedown of a right wing Michigan militia plot to kidnap and kill the state governor. Have a listen!