Will QAnon now turn violent… or disappear?

Will QAnon now turn violent… or disappear?
Why extreme views may not be violent but still can an effect on public safety.
10 years ago, Canada dropped the Iranian group MEK from terror list.
Canada labels the Proud Boys, other neo-Nazi groups as terrorists.
MPs agree to call on feds to declare Proud Boys a terrorist entity.
Islamist terrorists kill and wound people, most of whom are Muslims, at orders of magnitude greater than right-wing actors.
Many in the so-called right-wing extremist (RWE) are confused now that Trump is no longer the ‘oil’ that greases their movements.
The links between Christians extremism and the far-right.
Why an old retired guy is dedicated to creating this material and for whom.
The Proud Boy who smashed a US Capitol window is a former Marine. How is that detail important?