Quick Hits

Quick Hits 139 – What is next for QAnon? Should we be worried?

Will QAnon now turn violent… or disappear?

Quick Hits When Religion Kills

Quick Hits 138 – We need to call religious extremism what it is – extreme!

Why extreme views may not be violent but still can an effect on public safety.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits 137 – When a government ‘delists’ a terrorist group, it shows how political the process really is

10 years ago, Canada dropped the Iranian group MEK from terror list.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits 136 – Yes, the Canadian terrorist listing process is political and it is not necessary

Canada labels the Proud Boys, other neo-Nazi groups as terrorists.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits 135 – Do we need Canadian MPs to tell us what is a terrorist group?

MPs agree to call on feds to declare Proud Boys a terrorist entity.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits 133 – Woke Culture is Affecting Counter-Terrorist Efforts in the West

Islamist terrorists kill and wound people, most of whom are Muslims, at orders of magnitude greater than right-wing actors.

Quick Hits Video

Quick Hits 132 – What will Right-wing extremists do after Trump?

Many in the so-called right-wing extremist (RWE) are confused now that Trump is no longer the ‘oil’ that greases their movements.

Quick Hits Video

Quick Hits 131 – So, what’s up with Christian extremism?

The links between Christians extremism and the far-right.

Quick Hits Video

Quick Hits 130 – Why I do what I do

Why an old retired guy is dedicated to creating this material and for whom.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits 129 – Can we be more consistent in our use of language when talking about terrorism?

The Proud Boy who smashed a US Capitol window is a former Marine. How is that detail important?